Biotop from Polygonia by Istvan

Octavian C. on

Created by designer ‘Istvan’ of Chaotic Atmosphere, these computer generated insects are a beautiful exercise in fictional biology, code, and digital illustration. The collection of nearly 100 organisms with day/night variations is titled Biotop from Polygonia was made in Cinema 4D using random values within parameters designed by Istvan.

"So I imagined species who live in a polygonic planet. Some are inspired by terrestrial species, some not. Each species has four to eight specimens coming from different sub-species.

I've started on Cinema 4D by creating a "species basis" who has all particularities of the species (extra legs, wings,...). I used some deformers (displacer, polygon reduction) in order to give the species his overall shape. Then I created each specimen by shifting some parameters on the deformers. Afterward, I rendered each specimen in Cinema 4D and postworked with Photoshop.

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